What is TAB?

What is Choice - Based Art? 
Choice Based Art refers to the act of providing options. When more choice is included in a learning experience, students become more responsible for the creative process.All teachers, regardless of teaching style, incorporate choice in 3 ways: 

1. Choice of Materials
2. Choice in Process
3. Choice in Interpretation

Some teachers offer greater amounts of choice, others offer smaller, but some level of choice is present in all classrooms.

What is TAB? 
Teaching for Artistic Behavior, According to Diane Jaquith, “TAB is a philosophy that believes in the child as the artist.”

Lessons begin with a short demonstration followed by students working on self-directed projects in media-based centers.  Students make all choices with materials, process, and interpretation. 

Choice is utilized in TAB classrooms as a method of teaching for artistic behaviors like planning, problem-solving, and generating ideas. Traditionally, TAB teachers offer choice in all three areas, most of the time, to maximize creative thinking.

Purtee, M. (2015). The Difference Between TAB and Choice and Why it Matters.  AOEU.  Retrieved from https://theartofeducation.edu/2015/11/03/the-difference-between-tab-and-choice-and-why-it-matters/

TAB Teaching for Artistic Behavior. (n.d) Retrieved from http://teachingforartisticbehavior.org/index.html


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